Here are some other thoughts.
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The LinnStrument is a MIDI controller that is particularly expressive. Combined with the sound of your choice it can be used to emulate a broad range of instruments and played in a physical position to suit.
CMPSR® is a gaming-style music-making instrument that uses a joystick, similar to that found on a powered wheelchair, to play notes, chord progressions, control FX, and more.
The Clarion is an award-winning digital instrument available as an app on iPad and Windows devices. It’s expressive like traditional instruments but also highly accessible. It can be played with any part of the body including feet, elbows, or even eye movement using eye-gaze technology and its Play Screen can be fully customised. The Clarion opens up creative music-making to players who don’t read music, and supports therapeutic self-expression.
Bespoke Work
Some people just require minor modifications to standard instruments to allow them to reach a particular key or to support the instrument in a specific position. Please contact OHMI and we can put you in touch with someone who could help.
New Solutions

Most solutions have been created in response to a request by an individual and then made available to others. If you are interested in an instrument but can’t see it please contact OHMI and we would be delighted to work with you and try and find a solution that will assist you and others.